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Release 27.1: (2024-October-03, v27.1.9.427 / 2024-October-01, v27.1.6.427)

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Boosted localization and tracking quality at VPS locations, significantly enhancing stability and accuracy of VPS AR experiences.
    • Optimized SLAM relocalization & tracking.
    • Fixed an issue where the World Effects camera could teleport at the start of runtime in Studio.
    • Resolved an issue affecting the stability of VPS tracking to improve overall performance. (
    • Improved SLAM relocalization snaps AR content back to the proper position more quickly. (

Release 27: (2024-Sept-12, v27.0.4.427 / 2024-August-01, v27.0.2.427)

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Fixed an issue when swapping between World Effects and Face Effects experiences.
    • Improved XR camera synchronization with scenes in Studio.
    • Optimized logging for improved performance and cleaner output.
    • Fixed an issue with Niantic Studio where XR wasn't properly reinitialized if camera or scene updated. (

Release 26: (2024-June-18, v26.0.6.150)

  • New Features:

    • Added support for Face Effects and World Tracking in Niantic Studio.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Fixed an issue with some A-Frame projects that could cause unexpected behavior.

Release 25: (2024-May-28, v25.0.1.2384)

  • New Features:
    • Updated the XR engine to download as feature-specific components instead of one large package.

Release 24.1: (2024-March-28, v24.1.10.2165 / 2024-February-29, v24.1.5.2165 / 2024-February-13, v24.1.2.2165 / 2024-January-25, v24.1.1.2165)

  • New Features:

    • Updated 8Frame to support A-Frame 1.5.0.
    • Added Metaversal Deployment support for Magic Leap 2 1.5.0 operating system update.
    • Updated Hand Tracking to support left and right hand UVs, enabling you to easily draw designs on a hand mesh.
    • Added support for Sky Effects to 8th Wall Simulator. (
    • Added four new wrist attachment point to Hand Tracking. (
    • Updated Metaversal Deployment to support virtual reality in the browser on Apple Vision Pro. (
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved performance of Sky Effects experiences.
    • Improved Hand Tracking's wrist tracking stability. (
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Added uv-orientation parameter to xrextras-hand-mesh to support new hand UV functionality.
    • Fixed an issue with MediaRecorder on iOS 17.4. (

Release 24: (2023-November-29, v24.0.10.2165 / 2023-November-16, v24.0.9.2165 / 2023-November-01, v24.0.8.2165)

  • New Features:

    • Added three new ear attachment points for Face Effects, allowing you to accurately attach AR content to various points on the ears.
    • Updated Hand Tracking to expose hand UVs, enabling you to easily draw designs on a hand mesh
    • Enhanced Metaversal Deployment to support 8th Wall experiences on the Magic Leap 2.
    • Updated PlayCanvas integration to support three new ear attachment points for Face Effects. (
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Cleaned up some PlayCanvas warnings (
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Updated AFrame components for easy Face Effects with new ear attachment points

Release 23: (2023-August-24, v23.1.1.2275 / 2023-August-09, v23.0.12.2275 /2023-July-28, v23.0.7.2275 / 2023-July-25, v23.0.4.2275)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing Hand Tracking - use hands, wrists, and fingers as an interactive canvas for immersive WebAR experiences.
      • Attach 3D objects to an industry leading 36 hand attachment points.
      • Use the 8th Wall engine’s adaptive hand mesh to match the size and volume of any hand.
      • Added Hand Tracking Coaching Overlay module to guide users through a flow to ensure their hands are in view of the camera.
    • Updated PlayCanvas integration to support Hand Tracking. (
    • Added XrDevice.deviceInfo API to query detailed device information. (
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved SLAM relocalization snaps AR content back to the proper position more quickly and with better precision after an interruption.
    • Refined camera selection on Android devices.
    • Cleaned up warnings related to default xrhand parameters. (
    • Fixed an issue with WebGL context on MacOS devices using Safari. (
    • Improved SLAM tracking on a wide range of devices. (
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • New A-Frame components for easy Hand Tracking development.
    • Fixed shadow shader in PlayCanvas.

Release 22.1: (2023-May-15, v22.1.7.1958 / 2023-May-03, v22.1.2.1958)

  • New Features:

    • Added multi-face support for Face Effects, allowing you to augment up to three faces simultaneously in a single experience.
    • Updated Face Effects to support either standard or projected UVs, enabling you to easily draw Face Effect designs on a projected face mesh.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Fixed a device orientation issue on iOS 16.4 devices.
    • Fixed a performance issue that could occur when using one controller on a Meta Quest device.
    • Improved performance of three.js experiences on headsets. (
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Added face-id parameter to xrextras-faceanchor to support new multi-face functionality. (

Release 22: (2023-April-20, v22.0.4.1958)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing the 8th Wall Engine’s completely refreshed Face Effects:
      • Improved tracking quality and stability for:
        • Eyebrow Region
        • Eye Tracking
        • Mouth Tracking
      • Added Iris tracking capability:
        • Added API to estimate InterPupillary Distance (IPD)
      • Added developer-friendly real-time Face Events including:
        • Eyebrows Raised/Lowered
        • Mouth Open/Closed
        • Eye Open/Closed
      • Enabled new face morphing effects by exposing uv positions of face points in the camera frame.
      • Increased head mesh height to allow effects that extend all the way to the hairline.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved the speed of sky detection for Sky Effect’s experiences.

Release 21.4: (2023-April-07, v21.4.7.997 / 2023-March-27, v21.4.6.997)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing Sky Effects + World Tracking - create immersive experiences that augment the sky and ground together in one project:
      • Added ability to simultaneously track 3D interactive content in the sky and on surfaces via SLAM.
      • Added the ability to move AR content from the sky layer to the ground, and from the ground to the sky.
    • Updated PlayCanvas integration to support Sky Effects as well as Sky + World Tracking.
    • Improved PlayCanvas integration with a new unified run() & stop() API which replaces the runXr() & stopXr() API.
    • Added a new xrconfig API that makes it easier to configure the different XR components that your project uses.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Fixed an issue with sky detection at the edge of the camera frame on some Sky Effects experiences.
    • Fixed an issue with xrlayerscene component when used in self-hosted projects.
    • Fixed an device orientation issue on iOS 16.4 devices (

Release 21.3: (2023-March-17, v21.3.8.997)

  • New Features:

    • Added edge feathering controls (edgeSmoothness) for Sky Effects, allowing you to fine tune the look and intensity of borders between virtual and real-world content in the sky.
    • Added support for camera-locked Sky Effects in three.js, enabling you to add content to the sky that is always in view of the camera in your three.js projects.
    • Updated 8Frame to support A-Frame 1.4.1.
    • Updated Metaversal Deployment to support Room Setup in the Meta Quest Browser.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved performance and visual quality of Sky Effects experiences.
    • Added ability to specify which VPS Project Locations you want to localize against. This can help improve VPS localization times if there are many nearby Locations.
    • Fixed an issue where opening PlayCanvas experiences on desktop could result in crashing.

Release 21.2: (2022-December-16, v21.2.2.997 / 2022-December-13, v21.2.1.997)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing Sky Effects - a major update to the 8th Wall Engine enabling sky segmentation:
      • Added ability to place 3D interactive content in the sky.
      • Added the ability to replace sky mask with images or video.
      • Added Sky Coaching Overlay module to guide users through a flow to ensure they are pointing their device at the Sky.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved tracking quality at VPS locations.
    • Fixed an AFrame Sky Effects pixelation issue that impacted some phones. (
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Enhanced MediaRecorder to add another method of drawing 2D elements to the recorded canvas.
    • Fixed shadow rendering in PlayCanvas v1.55+
    • Improved performance of Image Target A-Frame primitives.

Release 20.3: (2022-November-22, v20.3.3.684)

  • New Features:

    • Updated Metaversal Deployment to support mixed reality in the Meta Quest Browser.
      • 8th Wall World Effects experiences automatically make use of video passthrough AR on Meta Quest Pro and Meta Quest 2 when accessed in the browser.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Optimized localization at VPS locations
    • Improved tracking quality at VPS locations by using the selected mesh of each Project Location.
    • Improved experience for some Android devices with multiple cameras.

Release 20: (2022-October-05, v20.1.20.684 / 2022-September-21, v20.1.19.684 / 2022-September-21, v20.1.17.684)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing Lightship VPS for Web - create location-based WebAR experiences by connecting AR content to real-world locations.
      • Added new Geospatial Browser to the 8th Wall Developer Portal.
        • Find, create and manage VPS-activated Locations.
        • Generate and download 3D meshes for use as occluders, physics objects, or as a reference for creating location-aware animations.
      • Added enableVps parameter to XR8.XrController.configure() and xrweb.
      • Added events when a Location is ready for scanning, found, or lost.
      • Added ability to find and access Location raw mesh geometry.
      • Added XR8.Vps.makeWayspotWatcher, and XR8.Vps.projectWayspots APIs for querying nearby VPS activated Locations and Project Locations.
      • Added Lightship VPS Coaching Overlay module to guide users through a flow to localize at real-world locations.
      • Added XR8.Platform API for unlocking new 8th Wall platform features like Lightship VPS and Niantic Lightship Maps.
    • Niantic Lightship Map module
      • Add the lightship-maps module to your project on to make it easy to create a variety of location-based experiences.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved error handling for VPS network requests (
    • Fixed issues with some VPS network requests (

Release 19.1: (2022-August-26, v19.1.6.390 / 2022-August-10, v19.1.2.390)

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Fixed issues with 8th Wall experiences within WeChat on iOS.
    • Improved initial SLAM tracking for some Android devices (

Release 19: (2022-May-5, v19.0.16.390 / 2022-April-13, v19.0.14.390 / 2022-March-24, v19.0.8.390)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing Absolute Scale — a major update to 8th Wall SLAM to enable real-world scale in World Effects:
      • Added ability to enable Absolute Scale in World Effects projects.
      • Added scale parameter to XR8.XrController.configure().
      • Added Coaching Overlay module to guide users through a flow to generate appropriate data for scale estimation.
    • Updated 8Frame to support A-Frame 1.3.0. (
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved performance on various devices.
    • Improved experience for some Android devices with multiple cameras.
    • Improved performance of Absolute Scale on some iOS devices. (
    • Fixed Huawei browser user messaging on Huawei devices. (

Release 18.2: (2022-March-09, v18.2.4.554 / 2022-January-14, v18.2.3.554 / 2022-January-13, v18.2.2.554)

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Fixed an issue where devices running iOS 13 could reload after starting an XR8 session.
    • Fixed an issue where the WebGL context could be lost after many XR8 sessions.
    • Improved experience for some Android devices with multiple cameras.
    • Fixed issue where additive blending could interefere with the camera feed.
    • Fixed an issue with transparent materials. (
    • Fixed a three.js rendering issue on devices running iOS 15.4 (

Release 18.1: (2021-December-02, v18.1.3.554)

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Fixed a loading issue on some iOS devices when accessing Inline AR projects.
    • Fixed an issue with denying browser prompts on some iOS devices.
    • Fixed an issue rotating device orientation between landscape and portrait within SFSafariViewController.
    • Improved compatibility with some Android devices that have atypical camera feed aspect ratios.

Release 18: (2021-November-08, v18.0.6.554)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing the completely rebuilt 8th Wall Engine featuring Metaversal Deployment:
      • Added pipeline module API for session managers.
      • Added Web3D session manager.
      • Added headset session managers for three.js and A-Frame.
      • Updated allowedDevices to include mobile-and-headset.
      • Added additional session configuration parameters in
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved frame capture with a variety of Pixel devices.
    • Updated iOS WKWebView flow to support experiences accessed via LinkedIn.
  • XRextras:

    • Added xrextras-opaque-background A-Frame component and XRExtras.Lifecycle.attachListener.

Release 17.2: (2021-October-26, v17.2.4.476)

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Enhanced SLAM map building quality.
    • Optimized tracking quality of SLAM experiences.
    • Improved PlayCanvas integration to support drawing on the same canvas that the camera feed is rendered on.

Release 17.1: (2021-September-21, v17.1.3.476)

  • New Features:

    • Added new APIs
      • API to query the engine initialization state.
      • three.js camera feed is available as a THREE.Texture.
      • Lifecycle method for pipeline module removal.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Enhanced SLAM map building quality.
    • Improved tracking quality on a wide range of devices.
    • Improved frame rate of World Effects, Face Effects, and Image Target experiences on Chromium-based and Firefox browsers.
    • Improved MediaRecorder video quality on Android devices.
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Enhanced MediaRecorder share flow when Web Share API Level 2 is enabled.
    • Improved startup time of Loading module.
    • Improved lifecycle handling for Runtime Error, Almost There and Loading modules.
    • Updated the Almost There module to improve the success of QR Code scans.
    • Improved Full Window Canvas logic on iPad split screen views.

Release 17: (2021-July-20, v17.0.5.476)

  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Enhanced above-horizon tracking boosts map quality improving the performance of WebAR experiences that ask users to point their phones up to fully explore AR content.
    • Optimized SLAM relocalization snaps AR content back to the proper position in world space after an interruption.
    • Improved tracking quality of SLAM experiences when users make extreme yaw movements.
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Updated MediaRecorder to return to the media preview when users press the “view” button on the iOS dialog box after choosing to download media.

Release 16.1: (2021-June-02, v16.1.4.1227)

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Improved recovery of world tracking after an interruption.
    • Improved lifecycle management of event listeners in A-Frame projects.
    • Fixed an issue with WebGL 1 errors on some Android devices.
    • Fixed an issue where MediaRecorder would occasionally not render a recording preview.
    • Fixed an issue where swapping the camera multiple times could result in crashing.
    • Improved compatibility using canvases with pre-defined WebGL 2 contexts.

Release 16: (2021-May-21, v16.0.8.1227 / 2021-April-27, v16.0.6.1227 / 2021-April-22, v16.0.5.1227)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing the all-new 8th Wall MediaRecorder:
      • Uses W3C web standards compliant recording when available.
      • Optimizes performance to improve frame rate during recording.
      • Enhancements to image quality and frame rate of recording.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved tracking quality and frame rate of SLAM experiences.
    • Improved tracking quality and frame rate of Image Target experiences.
    • Improved experience for some Android devices with multiple cameras.
    • Fixed raycasting issues with PlayCanvas.
    • Fixed SLAM tracking issue (v16.0.8.1227)
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Updated MediaRecorder to provide a progress bar while transcoding recordings on relevant devices.

Release 15.3: (2021-March-2, v15.3.3.487)

  • New Features:

    • Updated 8Frame to support A-Frame 1.2.0.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Fixed an issue with resuming the camera feed in Safari after navigating back to an 8th Wall app.
    • Fixed an issue with resuming the camera feed after re-opening a WKWebView
    • Improved compatibility with different rendering engine versions.
    • Optimized iOS WKWebView flows for some native apps.

Release 15.2: (2020-December-14, v15.2.4.487)

  • New Features:

    • Added support for WKWebView on devices running iOS 14.3 or later.
    • Made a compute context accessible to Pipeline Modules to accelerate offscreen GPU computer vision.
    • Updated 8Frame to support A-Frame 1.1.0.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved compatibility with rendering engines.
    • Added the ability to load and unload image targets while tracking other image targets.
    • Fixed an issue with MediaRecorder related to audio context switching.
    • Improved experience for some Android devices with multiple cameras.
    • Fixed an issue where WebGL errors would sometimes be hidden.
    • Fixed an issue with simultaneously tracking flat and curved image targets.
    • Fixed an issue with switching between WebGL and WebGL2 pipelines.
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Improved flows for iOS WKWebView on devices running iOS 14.3 or later.
    • Fixed an issue with Stats module pipeline detach.

Release 15.1: (2020-October-27, v15.1.4.487)

  • New Features:

    • Added support for Curved Image Targets to be used simultaneously with SLAM.
    • Added support for A-Frame 1.1.0-beta, THREE 120, and MRCS HoloVideoObject 1.2.5.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved quality of tracking Flat Image Targets simultaneously with SLAM.
    • Improved framerate for devices with iOS 14 or greater.
    • Improved experience for some Android devices with multiple cameras. (v15.0.9.487)
    • Optimized performance of some GPU processing.
    • Enhanced PlayCanvas integration with support for switching between XR and FaceController cameras.
    • Fixed an issue with MediaRecorder microphone access where onPause events were not closing the microphone input.
    • Fixed an issue with MediaRecorder occasionally producing files incompatible with some video players.
    • Fixed a raycasting issue with AFrame 1.0.x. (v15.0.9.487)
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • XRExtras.PauseOnHidden() module pauses the camera feed when your browser tab is hidden.

Release 15: (2020-October-09, v15.0.9.487 / 2020-September-22, v15.0.8.487)

  • New Features:

    • 8th Wall Curved Image Targets:
      • Added support for cylindrical image targets such as those wrapped around bottles, cans and more.
      • Added support for conical image targets such as those wrapped around coffee cups, party hats, lampshades and more.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved tracking quality for SLAM and Image Targets.
    • Fixed an issue with MRCS Holograms and device routing on iOS 14.
    • Fixed an issue with Face Effects and Image Targets where updates to mirroredDisplay were not reflected during runtime.
    • Improved experience for some Android devices with multiple cameras. (v15.0.9.487)
    • Fixed a raycasting issue with AFrame 1.0.x (v15.0.9.487)
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • New AFrame components for easy Curved Image Target development:
      • 3D container prefab component that forms a portal-like container that 3D content can be placed inside.
      • Video playback prefab component for easily enabling video on curved image targets.
    • Improved detection of Web Share API Level 2 support.

Release 14.2: (2020-July-30, v14.2.4.949)

  • New Features:

    • Updated MediaRecorder.configure() to provide more control over audio output and mixing:
      • Pass in your own audioContext.
      • Request mic permissions during setup or runtime.
      • Optionally disable microphone recording.
      • Add your own audio nodes to the audio graph.
      • Incorporate scene audio into recording playback.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Fixed an issue where clip planes were not set from PlayCanvas in some cases.
    • Added support for switching between world tracking, image target tracking, and face effects at runtime.
    • Fixed an issue where vertex buffers could be rebound after vertex arrays were deleted.
    • Improved experience for some Android devices with multiple cameras.

Release 14.1: (2020-July-06, v14.1.4.949)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing 8th Wall Video Recording:
      • Add in-browser video recording to any 8th Wall project with the new XR8.MediaRecorder API.
      • Add dynamic overlays and end cards with custom images and call to action.
      • Configure maximum video duration and resolution.
    • Added microphone as a configurable module permission.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Enhanced CanvasScreenshot functionality with improved overlay support.
    • Fixed an issue with Face Effects that could cause visual glitches on device orientation change.
    • Improved Face Effects right-handed coordinate compatibility with Bablyon.js.
    • Improved graphics pipeline compatibility with Babylon.js.
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Record button prefab component for capturing video and photos:
      • Select between standard, fixed, and photo capture modes.
    • Preview prefab component for easily previewing, downloading, and sharing captures
    • Use XRExtras to easily customize the Video Recording user experience in your project:
      • Configure maximum video length and resolution.
      • Add optional watermark to each frame of the video.
      • Add optional end card to add branding and a call to action at the end of the video.

Release 14: (2020-May-26)

  • New Features:

    • Introducing 8th Wall Face Effects: Attach 3D objects to face attachment points and paint your face with custom materials, shaders or videos.
    • Selfie Mode: Use the front camera with a mirrored display to get the perfect selfie shot.
    • Desktop Browsers: Enable your image target and face effect experiences to run in desktop browsers utilizing the webcam.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Enhanced capture field of view on Pixel 4/4XL phones.
    • Enhanced camera profiles for certain phone models.
    • Fixed an issue with changing device orientation during startup.
    • Fixed an issue with swapping the camera direction on the same a-scene.
    • Fixed an issue with AFrame look-controls not being removed on scene restart.
    • Improved experience for some Android phones with multiple cameras.
    • Other fixes and enhancements.
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Enhanced almost there flows for experiences that can be viewed on desktop.
    • PauseOnBlur module stops the camera when your tab is not active.
    • New AFrame components for easy face effects and desktop experience development.
    • New ThreeExtras for rendering PBR materials, basic materials, and videos to faces.

Release 13.2: (2020-Feb-13)

  • New Features:

    • Release camera stream on XR8.pause() and reopen on XR8.resume().
    • Added API to access shader program and modify uniforms used by GlTextureRenderer.
    • Added API to configure WebGL context on run.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Fix black video issue on iOS when a user long-presses on an image.
    • Improved iOS screenshot capture speed and reliability.
    • Fixed alpha channel rendering when taking a screenshot.
    • Improved experience for some Android phones with multiple cameras.
    • Improved detection of social network web views.
  • XRExtras Enhancements:

    • Improved QR codes with better compatibility with native cameras.
    • Improved link out flows for social networks.
    • Improved CSS customization.

Release 13.1

  • New Features:

    • Improved framerate on high resolution Android phones.
    • Camera pipeline can be stopped and restarted.
    • Camera pipeline modules can be removed at runtime or when stopped.
    • New lifecycle callbacks for attaching and detaching.
  • Fixes and Enhancements:

    • Improved experience for some Android phones with multiple cameras.
    • Fixed iOS phone calibration on iOS 12.2 and above.

Release 13

  • New Features:
    • Adds support for cloud-based creation, collaboration, publishing, and hosting of WebAR content.

Release 12.1

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Increased camera resolution on newer iOS devices.
    • Increased AFrame fps on high-res Android devices.
    • Fixed three.js r103+ raycasting issues.
    • Added support for iPadOS.
    • Fixed memory issue when loading many image targets repeatedly.
    • Minor performance enhances and bug fixes.

Release 12

  • New Features:

    • Increased image target upload limit to 1000 image targets per app.
    • New API for selecting active image targets at runtime.
    • Apps can now scan for up to 10 image targets simultaneously.
    • Front facing camera is supported in camera framework and image targets.
    • Engine support for PlayCanvas.
  • Fixes:

    • Improved experience for some Android phones with multiple cameras.
  • XRExtras:

    • Improved visual quality on Android Phones.
    • Support for iOS 13 device orientation permissions.
    • Better error handling for missing web assembly on some older versions of iOS.
    • Support for PlayCanvas.

Release 11.2

  • New Features:
    • iOS 13 motion support.

Release 11.1

  • Fixes and Enhancements:
    • Reduced memory usage.
    • Improved tracking performance.
    • Enhanced detection of browser capabilities.

Release 11

  • New Features:
    • Added support for Image Targets.
    • Added support for BabylonJS.
    • Reduced JS binary size to 1MB.
    • Added support running 8th Wall Web inside a cross-origin iframe.
    • Minor API additions.

Release 10.1

  • New Features:

    • Added support for A-Frame 0.9.0.
  • Fixes:

    • Fixed error when providing includedTypes to XrController.hitTest().
    • Reduced memory usage when tracking over extended distances.

Release 10

Release 10 adds a revamped web developer console with streamlined developer-mode, access to allowed origins and QR codes. It adds 8th Wall Web support for XRExtras, an open-source package for error handling, loading visualizations, "almost there" flows, and more.

  • New Features:

    • Revamped web developer console.
    • XR Extras provides a convenient solution for:
      • Load screens and requesting camera permissions.
      • Redirecting users from unsupported devices or browsers ("almost there").
      • Runtime error handling.
      • Drawing a full screen camera feed in low-level frameworks like three.js.
    • Added public lighting, hit test interfaces to XrController.
    • Other minor API additions.
  • Fixes:

    • Improved app startup speed.
    • Fixed a framework issue where errors were not propagated on startup.
    • Fixed an issue that could occur with WebGL during initialization.
    • Use window.screen interface for device orientation if available.
    • Fixed a three.js issue that could occur when the canvas is resized.

Release 9.3

  • New Features:
    • Minor API additions: XR.addCameraPipelineModules() and XR.FullWindowCanvas.pipelineModule()

Release 9.2

Release 9.1

  • New Features:
    • Added support for Amazon Sumerian in 8th Wall Web
    • Improved tracking stability and eliminated jitter

Release 9

  • Initial release of 8th Wall Web!