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Verizon Media - Santa's Grotto Portal

Christmas themed portal experience with Santa Selfie.

Christmas themed portal experience with Santa Selfie.

WebAR Santa's Grotto Portal

This magical WebAR experience transports users to an impressive 3D Winter Wonderland (somewhere near the North Pole!)

Developed by Aircards for Verizon Media, this experience featured multiple portal instances, including an exterior Winter Wonderland, warm Grotto interior and a fun ‘Take a Selfie with Santa’. Look out for the ‘Naughty / Nice’ list Easter Egg, which dynamically pulls in the user's name into the ‘Nice’ list within the experience.

WebAR Experience Features

The WebAR Santa’s Grotto experience included:

  • Multiple portal instances (outdoor & indoor environments)
  • Custom 3D animation
  • User personalisation through dynamic data link
  • Multi language support (English, German)
  • Advanced analytics provision
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