World AR

Build immersive WebAR experiences that transform users’ surroundings

World Tracking

Powered by 8th Wall’s industry-leading SLAM engine for the browser, World Tracking lets users seamlessly integrate realistic AR scenes into their environment to play games, interact with characters or visualize products in 3D.

world tracking thumbnail

Precise Tracking

Instant surface detection, smooth and stable tracking, and a lightning-fast frame rate enable a truly immersive experience.

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world effects - absolute scale

Absolute and Responsive Scale

Choose from Absolute Scale (objects reflect true life size) or Responsive Scale (determined by phone's distance from surface).

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realtime reflections 2-1

Environmental Conditions

Accurate environmental conditions such as lighting, shadows and reflections for an immersive experience.

world tracking - hologram


Volumetric captures of celebrities, characters and spokespeople can be beamed directly to users' homes to entertain, educate and sell products.

8th wall portal thumbnail


Users can step into a 360-degree immersive environment to explore a live event, movie scene, abstract word, or digital twin of a store.

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World effects - avatar


Invite users to step into the metaverse with their own customized, interactive avatars by adding the Ready Player Me integration to a WebAR project.

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Image Targets

Transform static packaging, posters and print ads into WebAR experiences that interact with the real world.

Explore Image Targets


Sky Effects

Accurate segmentation of the skyand edge feathering tools to blend borders between sky and world layers—enables the augmentation of weather, time of day or scenery. Sky Effects can be combined with World Tracking for a seamless world AR experience.

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Background to Foreground

3D objects can move along the horizon, behind buildings, and move between the background and foreground.

Sky segmentation - weather

Environmental Conditions

Full environmental changes to the sky and ground transform the user's atmosphere to immerse them in a scene.

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Rise and Fall

AR content can move between the ground and sky, such as an airplane taking off or objects falling onto the floor.



Lightship Maps

Easy-to-use and customizable maps anchor AR content to real-world locations to let users discover a hidden world of immersive experiences around them.

black-checkmark  Create a 3D character on a map with a user's GPS location.

black-checkmark  Launch city-wide WebAR experiences such as scavenger hunts.

black-checkmark  Let users teleport to anywhere in the world.


Niantic VPS for Web

A user's position can be determined with centimeter-level precision to anchor WebAR content to nearly 1 million worldwide locations.

black-checkmark  Quickly and accurately determine a user's position and orientation.

black-checkmark  Use a 3D mesh of the location to enable occlusion and physics.

black-checkmark  Persist WebAR content across sessions and users.

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Answers to commonly asked questions about World AR

What is WebAR?

WebAR, or web-based augmented reality, refers to the technology which enables augmented reality to work within a browser. WebAR requires no app to download. Users access WebAR by clicking a link or scanning a QR code to open an AR-enabled web page in their browser.

What is Niantic VPS?

Niantic VPS (Visual Positioning System) is a cloud service that enables applications to localize a user’s device at real-world locations, letting users interact with persistent AR content and powering new immersive experiences. VPS determines the device’s position and orientation (pose) by referencing Niantic Map data that exists in Niantic’s cloud.

What is the cost Niantic VPS for Web?

Niantic VPS for Web offers a generous free tier, allowing developers to make up to 25,000 calls per month without any charges. Once a developer exceeds this limit, they will be billed starting from their 25,001st call at the following rates:
VPS usage is billed monthly, with your usage resetting at the start of each billing period. This allows you to scale your WebAR experiences as needed while only paying for the calls that exceed the free tier.

How is usage calculated and billed?
VPS calls are calculated based on the number of successful calls to the VPS server. Calls are calculated across the workspace. You are billed monthly, and your usage resets at the start of each new billing period.

Do I need to enter payment information to access the free tier?
No, you can start building with Niantic VPS for Web without entering any payment information. You will only need to provide payment details if you exceed 25,000 calls in a month.

What are World Tracking and Sky Effects (World AR)?

World AR is . They can be combined to xyz.

What devices can users experience World AR on?

Like all WebAR experiences, World AR (World Tracking and Sky Effects) can be opened by clicking a link or scanning a QR code, instead of downloading an app, making it immediately available across all devices that use the internet: phones and tablets (front and back-facing cameras); desktop computers and magic mirrors.

Can objects move from the sky to the ground and vice versa?

Yes. By using World Tracking and Sky Effects simultaneously, you can move content between the Sky layer and World layer. AR elements can start from the ground and fly up to the sky, or begin in the sky and fall down to the surface; move between the background and foreground; or combine multiple movements to create a more immersive scene.

Can users take a selfie or record a video of their World AR experience to share in a message or across social media?

Yes. Users can capture a selfie or video of their World AR experience and then share it to the most popular social media and messaging applications. 

How can users go from viewing products in AR to checking out?

Since all 8th Wall AR experiences harness the power of the web, developers can integrate real-time APIs such as inventory or SKU data to create experiences that reflect real-time availability and product information to guide users from product selection to purchase with ease.