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HP highlighted their sustainability initiatives around the COP26 with a world-scale AR interactive globe with informative interactive hotspots.

HP highlighted their sustainability initiatives around the COP26 with a world-scale AR interactive globe with informative interactive hotspots.

HP wanted to highlight their green and sustainability initiatives during the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, targeting delegates from all countries attending the event. HP had a range of existing digital content but needed a new and engaging way to bring their stories to life, triggered from their Outdoor Media campaign in cities and airports.

Darabase worked with HP and their media partners to create a world-scale AR experience featuring a globe that users can spin to activate hotspots around the world. Each hotspot has a case study of sustainability initiatives, including statistics, imagery and video, all presented in augmented reality. Each hotspot contains a link to the HP sustainability website to learn more and download the HP 2020 Sustainable Impact Report.

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