Studio: Dragon Dash
StudioThis project is a fan recreation of Flappy Bird called Dragon Dash in the new Niantic Studio Engine.
This project is a fan recreation of Flappy Bird called Dragon Dash in the new Niantic Studio Engine.
Dragon Dash
This is a Flappy Bird clone. This is my first full game in the new Niantic Studio. Feel free to clone the project and customize it however you'd like. There are very detailed comments in each file so it should be readable and hopefully easy to understand.
I built this project to be an entry point into Studio for anyone interested in the engine. This project uses many of the systems that are currently available in studio like physics, custom components, and GLTF animations.
Custom Component Overview
Audio Controller - A Helper script that allows the user to play, pause, and change the audio file on a component
Background Controller - A component that resizes the background if the device is a desktop
Camera Controller - A component that determines if the user's device is a desktop
Character Controller - A component that controls the movement of the player character
Floor Manager - A component that determines if the character is touching the ground (character must be on the ground to reset the game)
Game Manager - A component that controls inputs and keep track of important data for game play
Game Over Collider - A component that controls the colliders that end the game
Ground Controller - A component that translates the foreground visuals
Obstacle Controller - A component that translates and changes the height of the game obstacles
Score Collider - A component that controls the colliders that increment the player's score
UI Controller - A component that changes the UI depending on what state the game is in
Dragon Retextured by Jason VonGermeten (
All assets used have creative commons (CC0) licenses.
Other Work by DCLN