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Heineken 2021

Brand campaign for Heineken celebrating UEFA Cup 2020. Interactive bounce game. Choose your side among 14 teams and win swag from Heineken

Brand campaign for Heineken celebrating UEFA Cup 2020. Interactive bounce game. Choose your side among 14 teams and win swag from Heineken

AR-football for Heineken

Proximity agency created a campaign for Heineken beer to support the brand during the Euro 2020 championship time. All the beer cans and bottles had a special design for teams participating in Euro 2020 and had QR-codes to lead customers to a campaign landing page. Promo activation was standard: users register their sales slips to get points and then can exchange them for prizes. The creative team decided to detach from other similar campaigns and added AR-game to the standard user journey. The game got users extra points so they could get closer to the main prize.

In that project our studio:

Created and animated 3D models of football players Heineken had 14 different designs. For each country, we designed and animated 3D football players with 14 types of unique super tricks, and 5 super tricks to be used by all of them.

Adapted gameplay. Web AR has some features that can negatively interfere with the experience. Like extreme camera angles, when the user decided to sit down, or the user could shake their phone and also each browser has a unique control pattern. We considered all known features when adapted gameplay and experience in general. Also, AR gaming hasn't developed a way to control the game which would be usual to people, so they need some tips to help them get into the game faster. We needed to make gameplay fun and simple, so we developed easy-to-get game controls.

Placed all elements in augmented reality. Gathered final scene and gameplay and placed it on the 8th Wall.

Optimized game to different browsers and phones so users can play the game on any smartphone, well, on the majority of configurations.

The campaign got a high level of engagement because of the game. Average gaming time reached 2,5 minutes for logged users and 1,5 minutes for all visitors. It’s 2,5 minutes of ongoing and attentive contact with branded content that leads to a higher level of awareness.

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