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Urban Tourism

9 locative WebAR vignettes relating to themes of conflict, arts and industry, part of Coventry Uk City of Culture's event wayfinding infrastructure

9 locative WebAR vignettes relating to themes of conflict, arts and industry, part of Coventry Uk City of Culture's event wayfinding infrastructure

Our task was to help come up with a creative approach and develop AR Assets for a large Urban transport research project led by Yousmartthing. Looking at using 5g and sensor technology to provide smart event wayfinding. we came up with nine AR vignettes that related to specific locations around Coventry. Under the themes of Conflict, Culture and Industry. We developed a mix of WebAR portals, land-based and air-based interactives. People could control a penny farthing across a course of cones in the home of Cycle production. Turn on the engines of a land speed recording car, Thrust SSC near the transport museum where it is on display. Launch a WW2 barrage balloon in memorial park.

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