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B2B – Intel Innovation 2023 Event

A first-of-its-kind, multilevel, WebAR game for events featuring 3D characters that yielded a 6x boost in engagement levels!

A first-of-its-kind, multilevel, WebAR game for events featuring 3D characters that yielded a 6x boost in engagement levels!

About the project

Intel Innovation is an annual event for developers and technologists. It’s designed for experts to gather, learn, share, and collaborate using the latest in advanced Intel and Microsoft technology. For 2022, Intel aimed to push their innovation event further. They selected Rock Paper Reality to develop and deliver a developer-first experience to increase participation throughout the event, direct footfall to target booths, and educate attendees about Microsoft and Intel products in a fun and educational way.

The challenge

With increased online event participation, Intel aimed to encourage more technology experts to attend the event in person. Additionally, they wanted to drive attendees across various parts of the event space to visit, engage and learn more about the multiple zones that highlighted Intel’s breadth of software tools. In doing so, the solution had to be educational – to increase memory retention of core messaging of target products at each zone – as well as interactive and fun – to provide a hands-on area for developers to experience the software’s capabilities and create a highly shareable experience. It had to be something attendees had never seen before from an Intel Innovation event.

The Solution

RPR presented an immersive technology solution that connected with developers, showcasing Intel's innovation through digital storytelling in a way that Intel and Microsoft have never done before. We designed and developed a first-of-its-kind WebAR game that featured physical tabletop props and digital obstacles specifically designed for events. Users navigated our 3D hero, Chuck, with an “on screen joystick” through the mixed reality obstacle course. The levels encouraged users to visit multiple zones throughout the event using "badge quest" gamification and helped direct attendees to target booths. We designed the experience to be easily accessible at each zone, activated via a simple QR code scan.

The experience was designed using evocative images to capture the attendees' imaginations. This helped to start conversations and compelled attendees to engage in discussions around Microsoft and Intel products and services. The experience loaded fast with the backend setup running on XEON on Azure to meet Intel requirements. Finally, we equipped Intel with 2D and 3D renderings of the experience to use before, during and after the event and created a promotional video to keep developers engaged long after Intel Innovation 2022 had ended.

The Results

RPR designed and developed the ‘Token Wrangler 5000’, a four-part WebAR game located at different zones throughout the event space. Upon arrival at the event, users are introduced to an introductory experience. Upon scanning the QR code, they meet the game’s central character, Chuck. After losing the three tokens in his backpack, users are instructed to help find Chuck’s lost tokens by navigating three different event space zones, where they can scan a QR code to complete a challenge to collect Chuck’s lost tokens. During the experiences, users interact with core messages about Intel’s products, helping to educate them about the power of their software. Once all three tokens are collected, the user was directed to a Microsoft booth where they could receive free event swag and enter to win an EVO Surface after providing their email.

The experience helped to boost engagement levels among attendees:

  • 30% of event attendees took part in the Token Wrangler 5000 AR Game
  • Six times more attendees visited demo stands with the AR experience compared to those without
  • Hundreds of attendees clicked on the final call to action and completed the experience

For more info

Visit Rock Paper Reality ( or email us at:

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