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Mother Dairy Fresh Delights

Mother Dairy leveraged the power of WebAR to bring its Fresh Dairy range alive in the next dimension

Mother Dairy leveraged the power of WebAR to bring its Fresh Dairy range alive in the next dimension

To ring in the summers, Mother Dairy launched its Fresh Dairy range by leveraging WebAR - making its passive print ads into active channels of engagement.

The experience, which was triggered by a QR code featured on ads, unlocked a fun and interactive overview of the product range.

In this gamified engagement, the users had to navigate through floating hot air balloons in their environment and try and find all the 6 products. Each tap on the product, revealed a snapshot of its details. The experience concluded with showing an overview of the range and navigating the user to a destination where they could purchase the products.

This engagement allowed the brand to converge traffic from all media, navigating them to the desired brand store - building product awareness and consideration along the way.

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